
Label product engineering with sustainability at its core
In short
intelligen™ is our award-winning product solution engineering platform that applies small dimensional changes to our customers’ current label or packaging design to minimise waste and improve the product’s sustainability credentials without impacting cost or performance.
Product Engineering
(Your) Benefits
Impact Data for your ESG

Less raw material usage

Global availability

Lower cost impact


intelligen™ has won sustainability-driven awards a number of times, most recently receiving an award of Excellence from Just Style. The Excellence Awards recognise the most remarkable achievements and innovations in the apparel industry.

Here, we won two, one for ITL’s macro universal efforts on sustainability and the second due to the impact of our intelligen™ solution on labels.

In 2019, we won a Retail Systems Award for the ‘Best Green Initiative.’

Illustrated Impact Metrics - December 2023

We are winners of two Just Style Excellence Awards for Labelling Solutions and our universal committed efforts on sustainability.
Interested in delivering impact data?
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