Understanding complex upstream supply chains is a significant challenge for sourcing specialists in the apparel industry. This complexity makes it difficult to mitigate social and environmental risks and enforce best practices globally, underscoring the need for transparency.

Legislations globally, like the EU’s Green Deal, will mandate digital product passports (DPPs), which will help ensure upstream transparency and downstream consumer accessibility through digital labelling. Furthermore, the New York Fashion Act will require brands to rigorously map their upstream supply chain and disclose their environmental and social impacts. Underlining the need for robust and scalable solutions available on demand for the growing social and environmental reporting measures.

ITL’s Xplore offers a comprehensive and scalable solution that helps brands answer global legislations confidently while championing consumer advocacy; you have access to what matters most and more.

With ITL’s Xplore - Trace, Track & Authenticate, brands and retailers can access comprehensive visibility at each stage using private blockchain technology to offer a unified view of their supply chain. This helps mitigate social and environmental risks and encourages informed strategic sourcing decisions. It also increases consumer confidence through its cloud-based application, providing access to product authentication, digital twin information and unique marketing engagement opportunities using ITL’s QR code or NFC-enabled label technology.

Take your compliance to the next level. Trace, Track & Authenticate with ITL
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Upstream supply chain manager trace map representation

Trace - Map your supply chain

Real-time Traceability: From raw material procurement at tier four to garment manufacturing at tier one.

Blockchain Security: Ensuring an immutable chain of custody.

Geolocation: Location mapping and visibility at each tier.
Midstream track data dashboard representation.

Track - Gain a holistic overview

An aggregated view: Comprehensive reporting through the Ecosystem Data Manager.

Customisable Reports: Including Digital Product Passport (DPP), Higg FEM and FLSM, EUDR, Carbon Footprint, ERP and other relevant compliance metrics.

SKU-Level Traceability: Enhanced visibility for every purchase order.
ITL's Xplore visual representation of the downstream app. A black explore t-shirt with sustainable icons and mobile phone demonstrating the products journey

Authenticate - Consumer engagement

Digital Twin Information: For circularity, recycling, and reuse at SKU and item levels.

Consumer Engagement: Building trust through a transparent chain of custody.

Unique Digital IDs: Facilitating easy registration and ownership transfer.
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